Sunday, November 23, 2014

Happy Humpday

I know today is not hump day, but the highlight of my week occurred on Wednesday. It was a normal day of work, but I had a really bad cold and felt like crap. And I was busy getting ready for my formal evaluation. This week itself was a pretty stressful one. Anyway, I was in the middle of teaching my 11th grade class (publicly known, my least favorite class) when a beautiful bouquet was delivered to my classroom. I was definitely blushing when I asked who it was for and read the card attached. My super sweet boyfriend, Lane, had them sent to me. He reads my blog, I have to make sure to give him positive reinforcement ;)

He had been planning this for a while I guess. He had gotten a hold of a friend at my school and secretly set it up. He just did it randomly too, he wasn't in trouble or anything.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. I went and saw the new Hunger Games (Los Juegos del Hambre). It was in English with Spanish subtitles woo! And went to a less than mediocre dinner another night. Counting down 20 days until Christmas break!

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