Saturday, November 8, 2014


I am told that Halloween has only become popular in the recent past in Venezuela. People here love to party so if they have another excuse to they're going to take it, let's be honest. So our school had a Halloween Festival to raise money for the senior class. Teachers were required to attend, but it was actually a blast. The decorations were awesome, the costumes were decent, and the kids had a lot of fun. I volunteered to be in the dunk tank. I was super nervous before I got into it because I wasn't sure if I could get out of it. It wasn't the most high tech dunk tank. But I had so much fun in that thing. The little kids loved it and were lined up to get me and even some of the high schoolers thought it was great to see me making a scene.

A group of us went to an adult Halloween Party another night, but honestly I think I had more fun at the one at school. The adult party was at some hotel bar, which took us an hour to get to even though it is only fifteen minutes away.  We hit traffic (naturally) and then it was really hidden inside the hotel. Side note: The hotel is already fully decorated for Christmas. There weren't that many people at the party and even less dressed up and no one was really having much fun I don't think. I was pretty happy that people decided to go home early.

Soy la bruja. 

And I cannot forget the happy hour we had at school. So this year my school had to be re-evaluated to keep our accreditation and we ended up with stellar marks so the school hosted a happy hour for us. They had food and cake and beer! Less than fifteen minutes into it, some teachers and even the Elementary principal were dancing on the tables! It was weird. I just couldn't imagine doing that at my place of work especially with all of my bosses there. I didn't stay long, but apparently some teachers were there partying until 8pm when they finally got kicked out.

There is no denying it's a fun culture here.

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