Tuesday, April 7, 2015

"Yankee Go Home"

Front page of a local newspaper

I have officially made my decision that I will not be returning to Caracas next fall. I will finish out this school year and return to the States for good this summer. It was a very, very tough decision to make and I stressed over it a lot. I love my teaching position, my coworkers, and my school; however, I am not really enjoying the unstableness of Venezuela. I do not want to live in a place where my job has three emergency plans in case “shit hits the fan,” excuse my french.

    Plan A: Hold in place. Do not leave your apartment.
    Plan B: If evacuation is necessary, take a private boat to Curacao and stay with their international school staff until you can get flights to the States from there.
    Plan C: Call in the private security company SWAT to evacuate you out of the country.

If it is not necessary that I put myself in an uncomfortable and stressful living situation, then why should I put myself through it for another year? I will be moving back to Jacksonville Beach; and I know I will be so much happier just knowing that I can go places myself, get the medicines I need, and not worry about what actions the government might decide to take against Americans.

"If you aren't killed in the street, you will die without medicine."

“Holding on is believing that there's only a past; letting go is knowing that there's a future.” - Daphine Rose Kingma

While I have to hold on for two more months, I will try to make the best of it, but that does not stop me from counting down the days until summer...

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