Sunday, August 24, 2014

La Moda y el Hash

I can't believe I have been here for almost a month already! Time flies when you are busy all of the time I guess. I'm sorry I do not have many pictures from this week, but there were a lot of memories made.

After school on Monday, I took the public buses for the first time. I went with one of the other new teachers who has used them to go to a nearby mall. Although if I were not paying attention he would have had us get on the bus going straight to the barrio! Once we got on the bus it was easy to get to the mall, it just took a while because of traffic. The Centro Comercial Plaza Las Américas is a five story mall; it is nice with a lot of clothes shops and salons. The store I was most excited about was the grocery store! It was huge, but unfortunately that did not mean a better selection; it just meant more of the same things... There was a whole isle of one brand of margarine.

As soon as it started to get dark, the shops started closing and the mall emptied pretty fast. Finding the correct bus to get on to go home was a littler harder because it was a larger stop. I was laughing at one bus in particular that was pimped out with LED lights around the windows, on the windshield wipers, and on the wheels. Of course that was the bus we had to take to get home. All of the buses have names, they have them displayed on the outside. Most of the houses here have names too. 

I observed some of the trending Venezuelan fashions while at the mall as well as waiting in the doctors office for a couple hours… Obnoxious patterned leggings, with heels, see-through shirt, and giant purses seem to be the outfit of the season. And don't forget multiple bracelets and necklaces.

I had my first spanish lesson on Tuesday! It went surprisingly well. My instructor is extremely nice and I understood a lot of what she was saying (the whole lesson was in spanish). I am excited to start learning.

My ninth grade students have challenged me to the ice bucket challenge. I'm hoping they forget, but I will be taking extra clothes to school tomorrow just in case :)

Yesterday morning, I went to a cafe and ordered my first "cafe guayoyo" myself. I was proud when I was able to answer all of the barista's questions like how many shots, what size, and if I wanted sugar.  I also was able to have him put it in my travel mug. Yay for saving the environment/ not drinking plastic chemicals! Usually the steaming hot coffee is served in thin plastic cups. It doesn't make sense.

I also booked my flights for winter break! I will be meeting Lane in Curacao from December 13-21, then I will be in Columbus from December 22-28, and then Jacksonville Beach from December 28-January 2 and I will flight back to Caracas from Miami on January 3. I can't wait!!!

One of the highlights of my weekend was my first Hash run (…walk, let's be honest, we all know I don't run). They have them all over the world, but it's a running club with a drinking problem…or a drinking club with a running problem…something like that. You follow a trail of flour around the city and finish with dinner and beer. The locals must think it's crazy that the hashers are pouring flour on the ground because flour is one of the items that there is often a shortage of right now :/ But I will definitely go to the one next month and I encourage everyone to check out their local hash.
(View from part of the hash walk)

The week ended with a worldly brunch with my teacher neighbors. We had blueberry Venezuelan pancakes with Canadian syrup and fresh Honduran coffee and Peruvian Chicha (drink made from purple corn). Followed by lots of lesson planning and online classwork.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

One Full Week of Teaching Down… A Lot More To Go.

Here are some highlights from the first week of school:

-Getting life advice from a 7th grade boy, "Don't get married until you are 28."

-The morning view from the school:

-Having two senior boys share ONE piece of prize candy. The winning boy had made a pact with his friend that if either of them won they would share the prize even though they did not know what it was. Sure enough, the winner took a bite of half of the chocolate and gave the other half to his friend. But the first boy's bit took the hazelnut that was in the middle. This caused a whole class (all four students) uproar! "You don't take a Venezuelan's nut!" Noted.

-Being called Miss. It's similar to in Florida where everyone said ma'am.

-My new "gym"… many of the parks here have body weight exercise equipment aka adult playgrounds.

-Salads that don't actually have lettuce in them.

-Arepitas (like mini corn dogs without the dog):

-Getting my second pedicure of my life and accidentally way over tipping.

-Stealing some of the street vines and replanting them in my window planter. I hope they take off, they're a pretty green and purple.

-Sunset views from my living room:

Now for some not-so highlights from the week:

-Finding out how LOW my students are in math. It's a school-wide phenomenon and I cannot pinpoint why.

-Spending my whole local pay-check in one stop at the grocery store.

-Nothing is priced at the grocery store and if it is then it's most likely not the current price.

-Getting into a closed line at the grocery store and not realizing until the cashier said something and I had already put all of my groceries up. (Luckily she was nice enough to ring me out still AND the baggers even used my reusable bags!)

-Grocery shopping in general is pretty much the worst thing I have to do here. I never minded it back in the States, but I DREAD it here.

-Being woken up by the worst sound you've ever heard in your life! These ugly turkey birds screech starting around 5 am. I told myself if I saw one I would kill it that's how awful the sound is. Well I saw one when I was walking down the street; luckily for him I did not have a gun. It is as ugly looking as it sounds. It is called a Guacharaca after the horrible sound it makes.

-Not being able to go places and explore by myself. Luckily I've had a lot of work to keep me busy, but I don't like staying around the apartment so much.

After a full week of school, I was exhausted and fell asleep at 9 pm on Friday night. I'm expecting everything will get easier as the weeks go on. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

First Day of School!

My classes:
    6th Grade…… 12 students
    7th Grade……  7 students
    9th Grade……. 8 students
    10th Grade……4 students
    11th Grade ….. 4 students
    12th Grade…..  5 students


Here is a picture from our assembly for the whole secondary school (Grades 6-12). We all fit in the little theatre room.

The day went pretty well. The students all seem very nice. I can tell there are a few who will be tough to motivate, but none of them seemed like they would be disrespectful or anything. I actually think my smaller classes will be the most challenging because they are very close friends and were getting off topic while doing our introduction activities.

Most of the school faculty and staff have been extremely nice too. I have been asked at least ten times this week if everything is going okay or if I needed anything for school or home. Our canteen director knows my coffee order already: solo cafe por favor :) and he accommodates for us veggies!

Hoping for a good school year!